The seller (Jan Vytlačil, BID: 01847511) figuring as A2Z Studio only accepts payment via bank transfer and provides invoices and proformas. If not agreed differently, buyer has to pay down payment of 100% of the totaling prices of his order, before any work is done by A2Z Studio or any other interested subjects. Buyer is aware of the fact, that all services provided by A2Z Studio are of an artistic nature and therefore can not be disputed on behalf of quality of the product. All reparations and changes after delivery of finished product done by the seller is of his good will and own decision.
800CZK or 35EUR per hour of recording vocals only.
1000CZK or 45EUR per hour of recording commercials and instruments.
3500CZK or 145EUR for mixing.
1500CZK or 60EUR for mastering.
4500CZK or 185EUR for mixing and mastering.